World Editor
A tool that allows players to customize their own world.
It can import characters or static models. For static models, you can modify the model's vertices, separate the model, or serialize all attached components into binary files saved locally. For character models, you can modify the animation controller or serialize all attached components into binary files.
Players can generate random maps and can drag and drop or randomly generate specified models into the world through the UI.
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Choose a model that allows for real-time vertex editing.
Select vertices and separate them from the original model into two distinct models in real-time.
Import a .fbx character or animation and apply it to any imported character. Modify the animator status in real-time.
All imported models and characters can be serialized into a local binary file, retaining all relevant information.
Drag a model from UI onto the terrain.
Generate a specific number of models within a designated area, each with a random size.